"Improving Health for All – Creating Synergies between Primary Care and Public Health" is the title of the 2024 EQUIP Conference, which will take place in Ghent, Belgium, on 25th-27th April 2024. The host organisers are Domus Medica and University of Ghent, department of public health and primary care. Further information and registration details are on the EQUIP website. www.qualityfamilymedicine.eu
Planning the annual EQUIP conference was one of the topics on the agenda of the recent meeting of EQUIP Council in the University of Zagreb (Croatia).
Other topics on the agenda at the Zagreb meeting were project priorities for 2023-2024 which generated healthy discussion about the hot topics in European Family Medicine.
Consensus agreement was reached by the delegates to work on a number of key projects to assess and improve quality of care in general practice / family medicine. EQuiP Council delegates are supported by their WONCA Europe (WE) Member Organisation.
Jose M Bueno, EQUIP representative in the WE Executive Board, reported about WE activities, in particular WE Council 2023, where PRICOV-19 study/EQUIP position paper “moving forward after the COVID-19 pandemic; Lessons learned in Primary Care” was endorsed, as well as the 2023 Revision of the Definition of General Practice/Family Medicine, https://www.woncaeurope.org/news/view/2023-revision-of-the-definition-of-general-practice-family-medicine , and WE Conference 2023 with the WE Open meeting “High touch versus High tech: the crucial role of face-to-face general practice in the digital age” in which he took part. https://www.woncaeurope.org/news/view/wonca-europe-open-meeting-2023-1 . In its closing ceremony the two WONCA Europe Special Project Fund 2023 winners were announced, being “Lessons Learned in Primary Care of Value to the Health Sector from the COVID-19 pandemic” by EQUIP with partners one of them https://www.woncaeurope.org/news/view/to-the-applicants-who-have-submitted-applications-for-the-wonca-europe-special-project-fund
Pilar Astier, WONCA World member at large, reported about WONCA World events and activities including WONCA World Conference 2023 to be held in Sidney, Australia.
Jose M Bueno and Pilar Astier, WONCA World Working Party on Patient Safety executive board members, gave details about their activities (the recent World Patient Safety Day 2023 celebration with the theme Engaging patients for patient safety) and the newly-elected executive board.
André Rochfort, EQuiP President, reviewed and showed her satisfaction about the intense EQuiP activities at WONCA Europe Brussels 2023
Dorien Zwart, EQuiP Honorary Secretary, reported about WONCA World Global Core Values project and the workshop she was going to run in WONCA World conference 2023
Andree Rochfort gave an update about 29th WONCA Europe Conference, to be held 25th-28th of September 2024 in Dublin, with the theme “the changing nature of family medicine. Cultivating the Future”
Membership of EQUIP is now open to individual family doctors, GPs, researchers, educators and others interested in working together to improve quality of primary health care. Read more on the EQUIP Website.
Published on 9 November 2023.