EQuiP Working Group on Structured Small Group Work in Primary Care (PHC)

By Adrian Rohrbasser
EQuiP Working Group Leader on Structured Small Group Work in PHC

Strategy and plan for the next year(s)

  1. Work through the EQuiP survey on Structured Small Group Work in Primary Health Care (SSGW) in Europe.
  2. Decide on complementary interviews with experts in already active countries to explore local projects and to ask what they expect from a Working Group.
  3. Decide on complementary interviews with experts in countries not using SSGW to explore what they may expect from such a working party to eventually start SSGW.
  4. Plan and decide on some kind of a road map to meet the expectations.

The aims of the working group

  • The overarching aim is to form a reflective, evaluative and interprofessional platform that supports and stimulates SSGW in their ambitions of CPD/CME/QI.
  • The working group supports SSGW in different aspects: training on and practicing SSGW; teaching about SSGW and networking among organisations, and finally producing and disseminating knowledge about SSGW.


The objectives of the working group

  • The main objective of the working groups is to build a platform for meetings, workshops, conferences where people can get together to exchange knowledge, to alleviate exchange of experts and digital exchange of resources like articles but also ideas.
  • The platform should facilitate the starting phase of SSGW by studying the context and process that is needed for groups to flourish. The platform should also provide information about sustainability of SSGW and examine motivation for participation in SSGW and their necessary intermediate and final outcomes that make them work for a long period of time.

The 47th EQuiP Assembly Meeting held in 23-25 April 2015 in Fischingen (Switzerland) was themed 'Knowledge Translation in Primary Health Care: Focus on Quality Circles'.

Media and Resources