By Goranka Petriček (Croatia)
EQuiP Working Group Leader on Person-Centered Primary Care
The main objective of the project 'Person-Centered Care and its Outcomes in Different European Countries' is to:
This project draft is the product of the EQuiP PCPC group's work and discussions at EQuiP meetings as well as three workshops:
During the last, 88th European General Practice Research Network - the EGPRN - Meeting (Tampere, Finland May 2019), EQuiP invited EGPRN for collaboration in this study, which replied positively, stated person-centeredness in primary care a good topic for collaboration (for now interest came from representatives from Austria, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, Hungary, and Spain).
We would kindly ask you to participate in this project. If you want to participate please send to us the confirmation e-mail and we will include you in our Working Group officially.
Best regards on behalf of Person-Centered Primary Care Working Group,
Goranka Petriček (Working Group Leader)
Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš
Zlata Ožvačić Adžić
Venija Cerovečki Nekić
Zoi Tsimtsiou
Erika Zelko
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