Quality Improvement in Primary Care: Back to Basics!

Patient Safety

EQuiP believes there is a need for continuous and permanent information and training about Quality (Improvement) in Primary Care. We noticed in the EQuiP Working Group on Teaching Quality that knowledge of basic principles was lacking in a lot of training institutes over Europe. 

However, young GPs, who sometimes attend EQuiP conferences, are very interested in this topic:

  • What is Quality (Improvement) really about? 
  • How do you bring it into general practice in a feasible way?
This was a call to action for EQuiP:
  • How could we - as a network for quality improvement and patient safety - lower the threshold for GPs to use Quality Improvement techniques in daily work? 
  • How could we reach Primary Care workers, promote individual training materials and train the trainers to maintain the highest level of quality possible?
Back to Basics Training Package
The EQuiP Executive Board presented in Fishingen in Switzerland to the entire EQuiP Network a plan to start a Back to Basics Training Package for interested GPs and Primary Care workers. Thus, we will bring together online information and training possibilities on the EQuiP website. 

In line with the Quality Framework, developed by EQuiP and partners in the EU Leonardo da Vinci project, we will offer workshops and training sessions in core competences at every open EQuiP and Wonca Europe conference:

  • In the EQuiP Conference in Fishingen in April 2015, we started off with a succesfull workshop on PDCA for Dummies (PP slides, PDF). In an interactive way every participant was asked to try to develop his/her own small project plan, and we learned a lot from each other on how to realize this successfully.
  • At the Wonca Europe Conference in Istanbul, we are having a workshop on: Quality in my practice. How do I start? 
  • And at the EQuiP Spring Conference in Prague in April 2016 about patient safety, we will have a session on dealing with mistakes and critical incidents.

You are very welcome to come and participate in one of these workshops.

Contact the Experts - or Donate Your Own Expertise
If you or your organization is interested in supporting the Back to Basics Training Package by adding your knowledge and expertise, if you have interesting material to put on or link from our website, if you want to organise a training session in your country and you need experienced teachers, please do contact us.