A very special guest will attend the 52nd EQuiP Meeting in Zagreb 16-18 November 2017: Dr Jo Buchanan (President of European Academy of Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine (EURACT)).

In 2001, the two WONCA Europe Networks EQuiP and EURACT launched a joint policy document to inform and support national/local authorities and national colleges in their efforts to improve their CPD activities. The reason for this collaborative work was that Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives were seen as having same ultimate objective: To provide optimal care for patients.

The EQuiP-EURACT policy document concluded: "There is a BIG need for education in Quality Improvement."

Link to policy document: http://euract.woncaeurope.org/sites/euractdev/files/documents/publications/others/euractequippolicydocumentintegrationofformalcmeandqualityimprovementinitiatives-2001.pdf

In 2017 - during the 52nd EQuiP Meeting in Zagreb 16-18 November 2017 - EQuiP and EURACT will once more collaborate about the Teaching Quality and Safety Agenda in General Practice (strategic level) as well as an EU project of ensuring safety at times of high workload (practice-based level of implementation).

Safer times of Quality awaits for General Practice in Europe!

Published on 21 October 2017.