Keywords: Invitation to 52nd and 53rd EQuiP Assembly Meeting, 5th French EQuiP Summer School Report, 5th Vasco da Gama Movement Forum: Call for Quality and Safety Abstracts, Quality Improvement in General Practice (4 Webinars and link to PP slides), Quality Improvement in Healthcare Illustrated in Nine Minutes, and Quality Improvement in Serbia (by Dr Darinka Punosevac).
Dear colleagues and friends of EQuiP,
Many EQuiP delegates participated in the Wonca Europe 2017 Conference in Prague.
Bohumil Seifert from the Czech Repub- lic did a fantastic job organizing and leading the conference.
Also, we had a nice opportunity to meet and work together with other Wonca networks and to meet with GPs from all over Europe to discuss, reflect and plan the future. We met with a lot of young (and not so young) colleagues - and I belive it is crucial still to motivate them to focus on Quality and Safety in their daily work in practice.
With this newsletter we want to carry on in the same spirit and direction as the Wonca Europe Conferences:
Supporting the interchange of ideas
Showing to each other what is happening around Europe
Trying to make people enthusiastic and to reflect on their daily work and - not at least - the quality and safety of such
In the next newsletters we will launch a new thematic approach, building on the EQuiP expertise and sharing it with all of you.
We hope that you will enjoy it!
If you have anything to add, ideas or comments, feel free to do so.
They will only help us to do what we do even better in the future.
Kind regards,
Piet Vanden Bussche
EQuiP President
Published on 10 August 2017.