Application of EGPRN Research Strategy - Turkey as a country example related to Pandemic

Ayse Caylan

Keywords: Research Strategy, Pandemic


EGPRN Research Strategy is published in 2021 with its new recommendations. To see the applicability in the Pandemic we used this opportunity to see its usability. Although in Turkey Pandemi was mostly excepted as a problem of secondary and tertiary care importance of prevention leads to concern to be taken in primary care too. This is the point in analyzing involvement of primary care with pandemic in Turkey.


While evaluating the applicability of the research strategy in Turkey, we took into consideration the titles which is proposed in the framework. Among these were identification of needs; analysis of data; development of new methods; implementation of research: feasibility, cost-effective analyses; evaluation of interventions and Scaling-up: improvement of services. Besides we also discussed how much adaptation is already in use and what further changes needed in the future to improve the capacity, levers and barriers faced in the application of the strategy and what can be done to find a solution is also disscussed


