Burnout in anesthesia and intensive care

Segolene Arzalier-Daret

Keywords: burnout, suffering at work, anesthesia, well being


Burnout affects the world of health and anesthesia or intensive care are also concerned. The SMART committee (Occupational Health of anesthetists and intensivists at work) has worked for more than 10 years on psycho social risks in anesthesia and intensive Care. The ten years of work of the committee are brought together in a book published in 2021: burnout in anesthesia and intensive care (John Libbey)


The book reviews the prevalence of burnout in the specialties of anesthesia and Intensive Care in France and elsewhere in the world. It explores the multiple causes in the context of the operating theater or technical area like emotional demands, workload, ethical conflicts, loss of meaning, lack of autonomy, productivity, etc...It details the consequences on physicians (physical or mental health, substance abuse..), team cohesion (violence at work,isolation..) and the safety of care.


the book give tools for assessing the individual or collective mental state (burnout, post-traumatic stress disorder, fatigue, harassment, workaholism..) to identify the signs in oneself and one's colleagues.It provides care solutions for doctors suffering at work: resource persons, tools, practical aids, well being management,regulations and work policies to protect the workers health in Europe and France.


This book offers a reflection on the management of teams in hospitals, care organizations and well being at work. It covers the subject of burnout and current psycho social risk in high-risk specialties.
